Sunday 24 May 2020

Wallhof - Move 3

I am slowly getting through this game, a move every day or so. Would get through it quicker but I just enjoy sitting down and looking at the setup....


The Polish attack on the left flank loses its impetus due to the effect of the Swedish infantry's musketry, the Swedish cavalry charge...
 The Polish 'german' infantry in the centre has moved up and are exchanging vollies with the Swedish infantry to their front....
 On the Polish right flank, the cavalry charge hits the Swedish cavalry....
the cavalry melees are draws on both flanks, the Swedes have held the Polish cavalry charge, can they beat them ?

getting to the critical part of the game now...

1 comment:

Springinsfeld said...

It really is a spectacle, so I don't blame you for leaving it set up as long as possible.