Saturday 13 August 2022

Over the Oudear at Ingelwitz...

A job for the special talents of the Kings Musketeers (and some of the Kings Dragoons). The musketeers : Von Messing, Scharfe, Fischer, Hofler, & their servant Limburger have travelled to Inglewitz, their orders to sieze the settlement of Werthaus on the opposite back of the river Oudear to facilitate the Wittenberg army crossing into Saxe-Jarlsberg territory using the ferry.


At Werthaus on the Saxe-Jarlsberg side of the river Oudear, there is a small army outpost supervising the ferry trade; performing mainly customs duties.
On the opposite side of the river is the town of Inglewitz.  A man in a cloak talking in hushed tones, confirms that the men he is in conversation with have understood their orders.
The cloaked man and four men with a servant (Von Messing, Scharfe, Fischer, Hofler & their servant Limburger), plus a wagon board the ferry to cross the river ...
They arrive on the other side, as they reach the customs post the ferry has already left and is heading back to the other side...
In Inglewitz a small body of dragoons, some dismounted, are heading towards the ferry....
Meanwhile at the customs post on the other side of the river ...Limburger throws the sack he is carrying at the musket armed custom guard putting him off balance; Scharfe draws his sword and makes to attack him; Von Messing draws his sword and confronts the customs officer; Limburger gets muskets out from under the cart and hands them to Fischer and Hofler...

The small detachment of Saxe-Jarlsberg infantry get into position to intervene. Fischer goes up to support Scharfe while Von Messing crosses swords with the customs officer; Hofler and Limburger take position in cover behind the cart.
Muskets are fired but nobody is hit; the Saxe-Jarlsberg officer goes down badly wounded as a result of von Messing's superior skill with a sword.....
On the other side of the river in Inglewitz some dragoons start to board the ferry....
With no time to reload, its into hand-to-hand combat with swords and muskets wielded...
Another Saxe-Jarlsberg soldier goes down as the cart is pulled out of the way....
Meanwhile the ferry starts across the river with the dragoons on board ....
The soldiers and the musketeers are busy fighting ....
Approaching down the road to Werthaus is a unit of commanded shot ..(which had been sent to reinforce the border guard after Wittenberg seized Hof). 
The musketeers have the edge in the fighting in Werthaus....
The remaining Saxe-Jarlsberg soldiers fall back down the road as the Wittenberg dragoons disembark form the ferry ....
As the Wittenberg dragoons move up the road into Werthaus, more are on their way over in the ferry.....

The Saxe-Jarlsberg commandes shot have arrived and hold the road into the town; The dragoons are in position; the musketeers have moved out of the way and have taken cover behind a cart ...
The firing starts, the Saxe-Jarlsberg commanded shot fair badly ...
Another volley form the dragoons thins them out some more ....
The Saxe-Jarlsberg troops have had enough and retreat down the road.....
The ferry has arrived with more dragoons ...
The dragoon officer congratulates von Messing and his men on a job well done , the rest of the musketeers head toward the local inn to find some refreshment ...


Wittenberg now has control of the ferry crossing, over the next couple of days more troops will be ferried across ......

Sunday 7 August 2022

Hoflandt Campaign Map...

 A map of the Hoflandt...

Wittenberg will be attempting to seize control of the area from Saxe-Jarlsberg, who will call on its allies (Monrovia and Hesse-Limburger) for assistance.

Wittenberg has already seized Hof on the opposite bank of the river from Vander, to provide access into the Hoflandt for their troops.  (see

The Saxe-Jarlsberg garrison of Hof has fallen back to Marienstadt and has sent word to the capital. It will take time for Saxe-Jarlsberg to muster their forces.

Saturday 6 August 2022

Ferry across the river Oudear...

 River ferry and crew completed, currently setting up for the solo game...

Friday 5 August 2022

Basic River Ferry...(WIP)

For a small solo game scenario I'm working on I'll need a river ferry. Something like this one ....

sketchy design on a piece of thin card
As it is a game piece it has to be cheap to make so decided to make it from some spare cardboard. Marking out with some suitable figures (a couple of Hachette Pirates of the Caribbean) to get the basic measurements...
build completed - a simple base and sides with some cross pieces to give traction on the ramp ends
The two chaps with oars fixed to them - basic but it look as if they are doing something
loaded up with the coach...
It's a bit undersize for 40mm figures, but thats fine as it may get used in 28mm 18C games.