Monday 22 August 2016

Defended Walled town and Attackers sieges line

Defended Walled Town

I did a trial setup using my existing scenics with a wide 'moat'
The 'moat' was a bit too wide, so I went with my ordinary river sections with some shelving offcuts covered in green fabric to give some depth. I made a new bridge - see this post on Wittenberg blog, the sections were designed to fit in with the walled town setup.  All in place .....
I can vary the town wall sections, so I can have towers and wall only.

The Siege Lines

continuing from a previous post,  'Working on some scenics - siege lines'

To fill the gaps in the siege line sections I used some wood filler and a pallet knife. To paint the sections I used a mid-brown for the earth and dark brown for the gabions
all finished and in position with a camp scene ..

Ready for use in future campaigns - as backdrops to story lines and games....

Thursday 18 August 2016

Men at rest and at work .... (some conversions)

Pegasus make some 1/48 plastic figures sets, I bought the  californian gold miners set

the figures are about 37mm tall, so just usable with 40mm. The poses are very good and I did some conversions to provide some figures for camps and work parties . The standing figures were placed on a some 2mm cardboard to get their height up a bit and then based.

The aim was to use as many figures as possible with minimal change,
- swapped all heads with Sash&Sabre ones
- removed some 'modern' detail
- altered the lower leg and footwear
- a bit of arm re-positioning
- some shirt collars added where needed

The finished conversions - two chaps to sit round a camp fire
 Man rolling finished empty gabion (plastic Renedra one ), and man making a gabion...
 The standing figures, using the original poses

The figures finished off and painted ..

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Sculpt & Cast - WIP (11) - Mounted Officer and Trooper

The last two greens are completed...
now to get some stuff to make the moulds .....

Friday 5 August 2016

Working on some scenics - siege line

I've been building some siege lines to go across the table. 

I made use of some Renedra plastic gabions I had and a load of recently acquired resin ones. These were simply stuck onto sections made using cardboard bases. A trial check for how they looked....
 then each of the sections was given a front slope ...
will be filling in the gaps and prepping for painting up next.