Friday 27 December 2019

Cavalry ... (lots of it ...)

While sorting out the units from the 'save the rearguard' game before putting them away, I laid out the non-polish cavalry I'd used to represent the wing of a large army (oh for more space to have a big table and two whopping big pike & shot armies ...)

In addition there are two more units of horse, 4 units of dragoons, 2 units of croats and 12 infantry regiments in the collection Currently doing some research on the Swedish army to get a better representation for future games based on historical aspects of the 17C Polish-Swedish wars.

Friday 20 December 2019

Save the rearguard ....

My 40mm polish army has been building up slowly over the last year, even though I've not finished it completely I thought it would be a good thing to get some of the completed units onto the table. 

I've been reading some of the information on Wikipedia about the Polish-Swedish war of 1626-9. One battle that I thought I could use as a basis for a scenario was the battle of Trzciana  (see


A Swedonian force has invaded Polonia, their rearguard has setup a position in and around a village. The Polonians assisted by troops sent by Wittenberg are following the Swedonian army and will attack the rearguard in force.  Troops from the main body of the Swedonian army are led back to assist with the withdrawal of the rearguard

Objective: Swedonians to extricate the rearguard - saving the guns & dragoons and not incurring more than 15% casualties.

Table layout. (approx 7ft by 4ft):


The Rearguard:     S1 & S2 - Two brigades of cavalry (a total of 4 units);  S3 - 2 model guns/crew and a half unit of Dragoons. Reinforcements from Main Body:
  • SR1 - 2 units of cavalry; arrive on table move 10
  • SR2 - 2 units of elite cavalry led by the King of Swedonia; arrive on table move 7.
  • PC1 - 2 units of Light cavalry/cossacks
  • PC2 - 1 unit Winged Hussars,  2 Units of Pancerni; arrive on table move 5
  • Wittenberg Allied cavalry - 3 units of horse, 1 unit of  cuirassier; arrive on table move 8.

Game Report:

The Swedonian rearguard in position in and around the village ....
 The Polonian light cavalry deploy in front of the woods.....
 A brigade of Swedonian cavalry engages the Polonian light cavalry....
 The commander of dragoons sees something ....
 More Polonian cavalry come into sight, led by winged hussars ....
 A unit of pancerni attack the flank and rear of the Swedonian cavalry ......
 The Winged hussars with a unit of pancerni in support skirt round the village ....
 they line up ready to charge the other brigade of Swedonian cavalry ....
 The King of Swedonia arrives with two units of elite cavalry .....
 The first brigade of Swedonian cavalry is in trouble .......
 As they break and rout followed by the Polonian light cavalry and pancerni, the Wittenberg cavalry has arrived and forms ups.....
 the routing Swedonians pass by the village ....
 The other brigade of the Swedonian rearguard has just held the charge of the Polonian winged hussars ...
 The King of Swedonia forms up his brigade as another brigade arrives
 He then leads the charge forward to hold off the Polonian cavalry to his front ....
 The Polonian winged hussars have broken the Swedonian rearguard brigade and carry on into the Swedonian reinforcements.....
 While they get the chance, most of the Swedonian dragoons mount up and make a hasty withdrawal from the village....
 the Swedonian re-inforcements beat the tired Polonian winged hussars who fall back to re-group enabling the Swedonians to withdraw....
 The King of Swedonia's elite cavalry beat their opposition who fall back to re-group as well. The King's brigade also start their withdrawal.

 A victory for Polonia ...


Approximate Swedonian losses - the artillery and 10% of the dragoons and 25% of their cavalry.
Approximate Polonian losses - 10% of their cavalry.

A victory for Polonia, the Polonians have dislodged the rearguard but not destroyed it - once they re-group they can continue the pursuit; The Swedonians have lost their artillery and the rearguard cavalry is in on the run being covered by the King with the cavalry from the main body.

Saturday 7 December 2019

preparing cavalry units for painting ...

taken a couple of days but have got the last three Polish cavalry units prepped for painting; two of winged hussar and one pancerni

Monday 25 November 2019

Polish Pancerni (3)

Third unit of pancerni finished ....
 when put together with the other two pancerni units already completed, looking rather nifty :)

Sunday 6 October 2019

Polish Light Cavalry (2)

The second of the two planned light cavalry units now completed  ...

Next more pancerni...

Friday 4 October 2019

Musketeers in tabards ...

At last returned to do some work on my four musketeers style figs/games. Last casting session for the Polish project I ran off some men in tabards and some generic other figures to work on...
 The first two men in tabards have been finished off, as musketeers on duty ......
will do a few armed with sword to support the four main characters and maybe a couple with pole arms. Then make up some more ruffians from the generic figures.

Thursday 29 August 2019

Polish Haiduks (4) ..

Completed the last of the planned Haiduk units for the polish army ...

lots of cavalry left to do 😋

Monday 26 August 2019

Polish Light Cavalry ...

I've altered my already completed light cavalry unit to give them a more irregular look; now equipped with mix of sword, lance and warhammer

I'll use the same schema as well for the second unit of light cavalry.

Saturday 3 August 2019

Polish Haiduks (3)

Another unit of Haiduks completed...

Saturday 29 June 2019

Polish: the army forms up ....

Three more units have been finished for the polish army. A unit of light cavalry
and some more Pancerni and Haiduks 

These along with the previously completed units make up half the initial core of the planned army, so here they are all together...

The other half of the army has been cast, so a lot of castings to be prepared before painting can start.

Saturday 25 May 2019

Polish Haiduks...

The first unit of Haiduk completed...

Monday 20 May 2019

Polish Pancerni cavalry ...

The first unit of Pancerni cavalry completed ...

Friday 10 May 2019

Polish Cavalry Command Stands ...

For officers I converted some of my own winged hussar figures ....
and used a couple of my other standard castings for the standard bearers. All painted, and based ....

Thursday 2 May 2019

Polish Artillery ....

Some artillery completed :
- crew converted from some of my home-cast foot figures
- cannon from my 17C pike&shot collection.
shown also a recently finished command stand with flag ...

Saturday 20 April 2019

Polish Winged Hussars ...

The first unit of polish cavalry completed - some Winged Hussars.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Polish Army - Commander ...

Something finished for the polish army, the commander with a trumpeter and winged hussar standard bearer...