Thursday 1 August 2013

To the rescue ....

A body of royalist horse and dragoons, make an attempt to rescue Lady Agatha (see previous post).


The royalist rescue force dismounts and gets organised..
The royalists make their approach on foot through the woodland ...
 Meanwhile the small body of royalist horse moves up...
 The garrison stands too after the sentry is killed and royalist dragoons are seen in the nearby field...
 even the geese by the pond are disturbed
 The royalist dragoons gain a foothold over the barricades...
The royalist horse wait for any opportunity to rush the entrance way;  the defenders fire at them but to no effect...
A small body of pikemen attack the royalist dragoons by the pond, killing the nearest but coming under fire..
 The royalist dragoons are over the barricade and are about to attack the main house...
After some hard fighting with many of the garrison killed or wounded and the remainder of the shot nearly out of powder&match and being huddled up with some pikes for protection - the commander of the garrison asks for a parley...
The parley is completed, the garrison commander agrees to hand over Lady return the royalists will let the garrison march off unmolested.
The royalists leave with Lady Agatha and as much of anything useful they can carry.