Tuesday 31 January 2012

Devizes [Mon 10th July 1643]

After a rearguard action at Rowde on Sunday, late that evening the Royalist army entered Devizes (campaign map).
The next day the ordnance was taken into the castle via the postern gate ..
Meanwhile barricades were erected across the roads into Devizes...

Waller had drawn the main body of the Parliamentarian army to the north-east blocking the road to Marlborough (on the way to Oxford).

In Devizes Hopton held a council of war in the evening where it was decided that the horse should break out and seek aid from Oxford.

Monday 30 January 2012

Under starter's orders ...

Rounday campaign is just about to take off again; will have series of posts with key events and will have game report on Parliament's attack on Devizes and following that the battle of Roundway itself.

I have taken some piccies already and I'm setting up the Devizes game at the moment

Mounted Officer: No time for drinking now - there's work to be done !!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

A film worth a look (not ECW though)..

Not ECW, however 1612 is a nice film to watch when you get the chance - with some good action sequences, especially the siege of a town; story line wanders a bit but in my opinion definitely worth watching.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Barricades for Devizes (2)

Barricades from previous post all painted up and static grass applied as needed ...

Trial setup, royalist infantry defend an entrance into a town ... 

Saturday 7 January 2012

Barricades for Devizes (1)

For the siege of Devizes I need to have barricades of three access roads, into the quarter of the town I'm representing. So I've been collecting up spare bits and had a tryout play.
I eventually decided on 3 inch lengths, enough for 2 musket stands. But the barricades had  look like a supply stash or possibly useable with 28/30mm figs. I made up 6 bases,
some painting to do - will post piccies when finished.