Wednesday 4 May 2022

Square Dancing in Hof ...

With an eye to controlling the trade on the River Oudear, Wittenberg has decided to take control of the Hoflandt from Saxe-Jarlsberg. Wittenberg, troops had been mustered in the south of the country in Vander ready to cross the river. Their first target was to seize the town of Hof, just across the river from Vander.


Wittenberg cavalry cross the river from Vander into Hof and move down Bridge Street...

forewarned of the attack by a merchant returning from Vander, the commander of the Hof garrison had quickly mustered his forces and was in the process of positioning his troops in the town square
The Wittenberg troops enter the town square ...
The town garrison is nearly finished deploying...
The Wittenberg cavalry charges quickly catching one Saxe-Jarslberg unit in the flank....
The Wittenberg cavalry fairs well but holds back ... not wanting to get too drawn in ..
The Witteberg cavalry in the centre of the square falls back, as a fresh unit arrives... the Saxe-Jarlsberg cavalry have reformed and are ready ..
to charge ......
it looks like they may be able to push the opposition back down Bridge Street...
The Wittenberg dragoons dodge out of the way of the cavalry and seek refuge in an alley way and into the buildings. The cavalry melee is in full swing ....
At the back of the square, the Wittenberg cavalry unit falls back, but a fresh unit has just arrived to support them; the Saxe-Jarlsberg cavalry lose the other two melee's and fall back ....
With casualties mounting and fresh cavalry arriving, leaving them outnumbered; the Saxe-Jarlsberg commander decides to withdraw ...
The Saxe-Jarlsberg musketeers fire an ineffective volley before they withdraw ....
The Wittenberg forces now command the square and more are on their way down Bridge Street...
Wittenberg forces take possession of the town of Hof, as the Saxe-Jarlsberg forces withdraw ...