An informative plan map of battle, with some useful info on (in Polish) can be found here...
I decided to setup my gaming table to run through a scenario based on an engagement on 7/Sep when a small force of Polish cavalry (Hussars & Reiters) dispersed a large Ottoman attack. For the setup I used my 17C Polish troops, a couple of units form my 17C Pike & Shot collection plus my 18C Ottoman style army (which is usable for 17C). Almost all figures in use are my own home-casts.
A view of part of the Polish defences.....
The Hussars and Reiters smashed through the Spahis and then into the infantry - result attack in tatters and dipsersed.
Not much of a challenging scenario, but a lot of fun to setup the table and to 'play with my toys' 😁