Saturday, 4 February 2012

Devizes - Parliamentarian Assualt .. [Tues 11th July 1643 - Afternoon]

The royalists await as the parliamentarian assault unfolds
The parliamentarian foot move up ...
Horse make a charge up two of the road ways into the town, but are unable to get past the barricades ..

The foot close in and exchange fire with the defenders ....
The foot close to contact ...

The foot break through the hedge line ...
They gain more ground and the royalists now retire into the buildings and continue their defense..
A small body of horse has found its way into the southern part of the town...
A company of foot blocks the road and opens fire ...
The horse are slowly pushed back down the road and retire ..
Up by the church the rest of the assault has stalled ...
The assault is flagging and the royalists have push their attackers out of the houses and back towards the hedge ...
The royalists regain the hedge ...
The parliamentarians fall back and start to retire back to Roundway, their force is spent for the day..


Springinsfeld said...

Quite a spectacle, but I am bound to call for a replay as the Parliamentarians should clearly have won...

Fitz-Badger said...

excellent report!
The section of town really looks great, and it's not hard to imagine there's more beyond what we see here.

Bluebear Jeff said...

Particularly pleasing as the proper side won.

I am continually amazed at how creative you are with your limited table space. Very well done again.

-- Jeff

tradgardmastare said...

Splendid game- and a great result for the Royalists.A loud Huzzah indeed!

Mosstrooper said...

Great looking game.

tidders2 said...

A close run game indeed, the royalists just managed to push back the parliamentarian troops.

Similar result to what actually happened - most enjoyable solo game. Nice to get all my ECW foot units on the table - Roundway will be different no houses just 'open' downland and lots of cavalry.

-- Allan