Each of the 2 dismounted horse regiments will have a man holding/leading a horse. Finished the green stuff changes for these based on an Irregular Miniatures pikeman without tassets; altered the heads as well. Most of the time was spent doing their boots.

These will enter into my painting queue (which for some reason seems to be getting longer).
*grin* . . . you are getting more adventurous with your modifications . . . sort of like the "old time" gamers.
On a different matter, the 18th century figures you sent arrived yesterday . . . but so did a miserable cold . . . so it will probably be a few days before I feel up to taking a photo and writing a post . . . I feel lousy right now.
-- Jeff
Very nice conversions Alan,...I've been lobbying over on the 40mm Sash and Sabre Yahoo group for some Dragoon figures from Chris (the sculptor), but I think horseholders will be long in coming if ever. Until then its greenstuff all the way!...and in some ways , as Jeff said, it's classic old school to make do with what you have!
Nice work on the conversions! I always love to see people doing creative things like this. One of the parts of the hobby I love :-)
aside to Jeff - get well soon!
I was thinking I had a limited supply of figure poses; I had forgotten about Romanoff figures -how I don't know ! Anyway a couple of packs of those will be bought for this project.
Jeff - get well soon, nice to know the little fellas arrived safely
-- Allan
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