Sunday, 1 December 2013

At Winchester ..., then escort duty...

Sir William de Willoughby and his small force of horse and dragoons, had finally arrived at Winchester. After an uncomfortabe night in a city tavern Sir William went up to the castle to see the garrison comander Sir William Ogle.
Sir William found out from the garrison commander that Hopton had moved north-west during November to lift Waller's siege of Basing House, then onto Farnham to attempt to bring Waller to battle - however this had not worked and Hopton had fallen back to Odiham putting himself between Waller and Basing.

Sir William received new orders - he was to escort much needed supplies to Basing then join Hopton at Odiham. They set off  later in the day and made good time .....


Fjodin said...


Springinsfeld said...

A lovely set up as always...I look forward to the story unfolding .