Saturday, 22 February 2025

Battle near Ziegenfeldt...

Saxe-Jarlsberg have sent a small probing force through the hills into the Hoflandt, their presence was detected and a similar sized force of Wittenberg troops now faces them near the town of Ziegenfeldt.

The Wittenberg commander examines the deployment of the Saxe-Jarlsberg troops and gives the order to advance...
Both sides advance slowly....
As they close the artillery opens fire with little effect
As the infantry move into musket range, the cavalry engage on both flanks....

The advancing Saxe-Jarlsberg infantry receive fire and men go down...
They return fire and then slowly move forward to push of pike...
The Wittenberg cavalry win on one flank........
The Saxe-Jarlsberg cavalry have the edge on the other flank .....
The infantry are now fully engaged in the centre..... neither side can gain an advantage...
The winning Wittenberg cavalry don't pursue and move round the back of the engaged infantry ...
The Wittenberg cavalry lose on the other flank .....
however the Saxe-Jarlsberg cavalry pursue them and then move on to pillage the baggage....
The Wittenberg cavalry attack the Saxe-Jarlsberg infantry in the rear.....

Its all over, the remaining Saxe-Jarslberg infantry run for it .....

A victory for Wittenberg


Tiberian general said...

Fantastic stuff Allan.


Ross Mac said...

Oh dear, is that St. Andrew's cross running away? Oh dear....

Good game and figures!