Monday 14 August 2017

Skirmish at Faustenberg ...

continued from the previous post ...

The Monrovian croats move along the road to Faustenberg...
Wittenberg cavalry arrive at Faustenberg...
 and the brigade deploys in front of the town ....
 The croats form up and start their attack ....
 The Wittenberg cavalry counter-charges ....

The melee too's and fro's but the croats can't match their opponents and lose their nerve and turn tail...
 another dragoon regiment moves up while one of the cavalry regiments reforms ...
 the other cavalry regiment pursues the croats through Munsterhof
the rest of the cavalry brigade with a regiment of dragoons moves up to secure Munsterhof. The main body of the army has reached Faustenberg.

Where is the Monrovian army ? ...


CelticCurmudgeon said...

What a lovely skirmish! The fact is that you don't need hundreds of figures to have an interesting, pleasant game.

The Good Soldier Svjek said...

Excellent little action !

Jonathan Freitag said...

Splendid photos of the action!

Springinsfeld said...

Very nice. Assuming a lot of these are from your ECW collection, the game has a real TYW feel to it.

Phil said...

Love your colorful and splendid figures!