Sunday, 17 November 2013

Sir William heads for Winchester ....

A messenger has arrived at Wallingborough with letters from Lord Hopton to Sir William de Willoughby. After reading them Sir William tells the messenger - inform Lord Hoption I will ride to join him at Winchester as soon as I can ...
A couple of days later Sir William heads for Winchester with his regiment of horse and a some dragoons ...

Sir William is to join Lord Hopton's army and take part in the coming campaign in Hampshire ...


CelticCurmudgeon said...

Lovely photography! The reinforcements look like they'll do yeoman's dervice in Hopton's army.
A/K/A The Celtic Curmudgeon

Bluebear Jeff said...

Hurrah for the King!

-- Jeff

Springinsfeld said...

Excellent figures, pity they are on the wrong side and will be smitten by the Sword of The Lord. For God and the Parliament!

Phil said...

Nice pictures and beautiful minis!