Sunday, 21 August 2011

Horse - Cornet Conversion

For my Roundway down refight I want to represent the weakened royalist cavalry brigade, to do this I'll split up 1 reg horse (9 figs) but need three extra figures inlcuding a cornet to make 2 x 6 fig regiments.  I also want to have a horse regiment skrimishing, firing pistols etc. - so a I need a cornet for those as well.

I decided to make  a cornet  up using spare bits left over from S&S, Romanoff figs - but using some of my home cast 18c moulds to make a limber horser rider and horse to be converted. Horse was modified to accept two pistol holsters and the rider was converted with new head, sword and arm.  Buff coat, sash and additional detail was added with green stuff. Some piccies below ....

1 comment:

Fitz-Badger said...

very nice conversion work!