Saturday 3 May 2008

Pokesay Castle - 2

In order to get some idea of how my castle/manor house would look, I used some thick card to make a base and drew out a ground plan.

Then I made up some basic structures (from foam board and cardboard), for the gate house and the rear range of buildings.

Its a lot bigger than I expected. Next thing to do is to make basic structures for the keep and the curtain wall.


Bluebear Jeff said...

Interestingly enough, in about 12 hours from my typing this, I'll be working on some buildings (and other terrain pieces) too.

In my case, some "old west" buildings, a gallows and a couple of dhows (for an eventual Colonial game).

I'll be delighted if my efforts look half as good as yours. Is that a 40mm figure between the buildings?

-- Jeff

Anonymous said...

Hi Allan,

Looks like your project is really picking up steam now. I'm looking forward to watching the castle progress.

t'other jeff

old-tidders said...

Figure between the buildings is a 40mm fig to give an idea of size of the buildings.

-- Allan

dave said...

Pokesay castle looks big, but I see that as a good thing. It gives you a building/fortification large enough that a siege/assault game doesn't look silly, but small enough to fit on the table.

I am going to have to build one of my own.