Saturday, 25 March 2017

The Monrovian Army in battle array .....

With the main core of the Monrovian army finished I decided to set it up on the gaming table... oops nearly fills the whole of one side 😀
on one flank - 3 horse and 1 dragoon regiment
 in the centre the 6 regiments of foot ...

 and on the other flank 3 more horse regiments and one of dragoons

Most battles will be about half this per side, so a bit of room to manouvre. In addition there is a regiment of mounted croats to add to the Monrovian army.

Two regiments of foot, one of horse and one of mounted croats remain to be finished for the Wittenberg army.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Bridge of boats ....

I wanted a bridge of boats rather than using my 18C pontoon bridge for river crossings; decided to make one myself using card etc ...

I decided to have some narrow boats that were about the same size as one of the 18C pontoons. These I would make from cardboard. To start I made a half boat shape template, drew round it on a marked out piece of cardboard; then cut out the bases.....
I made up some sides of thinner card, which is more bendable, and tried out how they would look ...
then started building the boats .....
the basic boats with my Reiver castings pontoon bridge deck and ramps
the ramps work fine, but the detail on the deck is a bit small for 40mm figs, so I made another one from cardboard and scribed in some larger more random planks....
painted up and ready for a river crossing ....