Thursday, 10 January 2013

Raid on Winterbourne...

The royalists had been collecting supplies from the Winterbourne's and nearby villages (a few miles to the north east of Sarisbury); the supplies had been stockpiled in and near a farm ready for collection by wagon. Two companies of foot had been detailed to guard the supplies.
Sir Warwick Hunt (parliament), leads a daring raid to 'obtain' the supplies with two troops of horse and two bodies of commanded shot....
A rider approaches to inform the royalist commander of parliamentarian troops moving this way ...
parliamentarian troops start to cross the river
A troop of horse rushes on ahead attempting to catch the royalist fooot off guard ...
The royalist foot form up and musket and pistol fire is exchanged ...
The royalists have the edge and the parliamentarian horse retire and move to round their flank...
Another troop of parliamentarian horse moves up and a unit of shot ...
Vollies are exhanged and the royalist come off worst .....
The royalist ranks are thinned out as the other unit of parliamentarian shot joins the fray ...
The royalist foot breaks and the parliamentarian horse charge home ..
The royalists are in full retreat ....
Sir Warwick Hunt directs the horse to keep the royalists on the run ...
Meanwhile the parliamentarian shot deploys to protect the men loading the carts with supplies ...
A success for parliament....