Sunday, 29 June 2008

Pokesay Castle - 4, Gatehouse completed

What do I do with this left over paint ?
Throw it in the moat, nobody will notice ..

Having got the shade of my roof tile paper right, I painted the timber beams. For windows I used a dark grey and put 'leaded' widnow lines on. The overall effect has captured the look I wanted. I made the gates so they could be removed and replaced with two open ones.

The gatehouse done I then stuck tile paper onto the roofs of the other buildings. Having finished that I realised I hadn't added the chimneys, a minor modification for later.

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Limbers for Guns

A lucky day while out shopping provided me with what I needed to make up limbers for my guns. A Brum coach model, for £4.00 in a charity shop, with 4 horses in harness; plus a bag of 30 Lego wheels (but only 4 axle peices) for £1.50 at a car boot sale.

As you can see the small Lego wheels and a single horse look just right pulling a gun.

Ideally should be a team of horses but what the heck, modeller's licence !

Pokesay Castle 3 - the gatehouse

Just finished the gatehouse construction. I used some thick paper strips to add the wood framing to the building shell. I tried some red tile paper I created for the roof; this will need darkening a bit though. Next job is to paint up and fit some gates.

Saturday, 7 June 2008

New Regiment of Foot - with Red Coats

I combined all my remaining spare figs left from my unit reduction exercise to make up a new regiment of foot. Since I already a Redcoat regiment I gave them white cuffs, instead of red (and also marked the underside of the bases as well).

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Baggage Wagon - Completed

Finally finished painting the baggage waggon and horse; the baggage wagon is scratchbuilt from cardboard on some wheels off a gypsy caravan which I bought at a car-boot sale. I'll have to look around for some more cheap wheelsets and horses to make another.