Saturday, 28 July 2007

A first Muster ...

All setup on my display shelf - I'll have to get a better colour backing wall (management permitting ?). On the right were the commander and a regiment of cuirassiers.

closeup of the centre..

I think I need more space to lay out the army; plus more natural light for better photos.

Cuirassiers join the array of armes

These were great fun todo. It was difficult to get a variety of shades of plate armour; but with a bit of judicious bit of paint mixing I seem to have succeeded.

Saturday, 21 July 2007

Rumours of Roundheads

There have been whisperings and rumours in the countryside around Wallingborough that the Parliamentarians have raised their standard. Their leader is said to be Sir Warwick Hunt; perhaps we'll learn more of him and his family later.