Saturday 6 December 2008

Dragoon Command Stands

While waiting for a couple of figs orders to complete the rest of the dragoons, I forged on by doing the command stands and token horse holders for when they dismount. All figs in the pictures are from Irregular Miniatures (with a couple of heads replaced with some from Sash and Sabre).

The figs orders arrived yesterday so I'm now ready to start work on both regiments mounted and dismounted.


Bluebear Jeff said...

I particularly like the striped borders on the Dragoon standards. Nice work.

-- Jeff

Fitz-Badger said...

Nice work! I always enjoy looking at your pictures :-)

littlejohn said...

very nice...BTW, I like the background in your pics, did you paint it yourself?

Jubilo said...

Dear Sir,
Very colorful and inspiring. You background certainly looks like England !
cordially ,
David Corbett

old-tidders said...

Everyone seems to like the background I use for my pictures; I would like to say I painted it myself, but no, this is a commercially available Model Railroad backscene [Peco SK-32 Country Landscape - Medium; I think they also do a 'Large' one as well SK-12]

-- Allan