Saturday 17 February 2024

Cossack War Wagon (WIP)....

I've been building a cossack war wagon for 40mm figures; made from lego wagon wheels, cardboard, bamboo skewers and a cocktail stick.

This a prototype for a number of wagons to support a cossack army.

Saturday 10 February 2024

Cossacks ...sculpting

 I've been working on sculpting some 40mm cossacks, to home-cast a cossack army and/or some registered cossacks to fight with my Polish army.   I've reworked the generic rider and musketeer I did in 2020 and I've added a ten more ...

Two options for riders (which I can vary with different weapons and modify with green stuff as needed)...

Officer (?), three variants to hold half-pikes (or standards) and six musketeer variants

Next step will be to make some moulds...