Sunday 3 September 2017

Kettelwitz, the battle proper ....

continued from the previous post....

The Wittenberg army starts their advance ...
Cavalry clash on the left ....
 infantry move up into short musket range ....

cavalry action also starts on the right ....
following both sides exchanging musket fire, a Monrovian regiment falls back disordered ....
the cavalry melees continue on each flank

the Wittenberg infantry have closed the gap and are at push of pike with the opposition, one Monrovian regiment does not stand but turns tail and starts to run ....
the Monrovians battle line is holding their ground...
 a Monrovian cavalry regiment breaks and turns tail, the Wittenberg cavalry do not pursue ....
 another Monrovian infantry regiment breaks in the centre passing back through another one which joins them in their rout .....
the Monrovians just about plug the hole in the centre
 with their cavalry just holding their ground on each flank

All starts to unravel for the Monrovians ... the infantry on their left flank breaks, and the cavalry on their right flank does the same ....

 most of the cavalry on the Monrovian left flank manages to disengage  ....

with no real battle line left and their troops in full retreat or routing the Monrovian army has lost the battle.....



The Good Soldier Svjek said...

An exciting victory for Wittenberg !

Springinsfeld said...

What a spectacle!

captbill said...

Absolutely wonderful and very inspiring...captbill

Stryker said...

A great looking game and well done to Wittenberg!

tradgardmastare said...

A glorious victory indeed!

tradgardmastare said...

A glorious victory indeed!

Lee said...

Great stuff, a battle in pictures :)