Monday 1 May 2017

The King on his travels ...

The King of Wittenberg is on his way to the city of Heidelheim in the province of Upper Belgravia...

the King's standard at the front ...
the kings carriage and foot escort...
 the kings lifeguard of horse brings up the rear ....

an overview of the Kings coach and escort ....


There are rumours that war with Monrovia is immanent; some say the King will issue the order to muster the army when he reaches Heidelheim.


The Good Soldier Svjek said...

A very pleasant rural scene

tradgardmastare said...

What make are the cows?

William Stewart said...

Nicely done. Makes me want to get the figures out on the table.

tidders said...

I have no idea what make the cows are; I've accumulated them over time - mostly from Toy&Train fairs and Car Boot sales. I keep my eye open for animals of the right size for 40mm.