Saturday, 12 December 2015

Wittenberg - The Kings Dragoons

Have completed the Kings dragoons, these took some while - basically repaint of coats, equipment and hats.  Here they are mounted up..

 and dismounted
The mounted figures are representative and I've got a couple more dismounted than mounted; otherwise the unit is a bit small. I still thinking on what to do about horse holders - I may have the mounted officer and standard bearer mounted base plus a small vignette of a dragoon holding a horse.


Springinsfeld said...

Hey presto...they suddenly look continental rather than ECW. Good work.

ECW 40mm Project said...

If you want to reflect the horseholder in basing, you can divide the dismounted figs into two groups of four, add a horse to each group, and you've now two dismounted groups of five. Then you just do 6 more mounted and you've two units of dragoons, or one large one. Alternately, you can add 3-4 mounted and keep the 8 dismounted. Is bigger better?

tidders said...

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll mull them over.

I'm aiming to have two dragoon regiments a side. I'll probably match the number of mounted dismounted later - I can buy some extra figures.

ECW 40mm Project said...

Some game sets have correctly pointed out that the effect of cavalry was disproportionate to their numbers. So you can say that a mounted figure represents 2 foot figures, in effect. Just a thought. I just received my dragoons and am cleaning and prepping my cavalry in buffcoats from S&S. Hope to make a lot of progress this week on 40mm ECW, which has been on the back burner for far too long!