Tuesday 20 May 2014

Re-organizing - work in progress ....

I've been busy reworking my ECW collection over the last couple of weeks. All the single based figures, dragoons, artillery and wagons have had their bases refreshed with static grass. I've been focussing on the horse regiments - one regiment of horse and a couple of officers done
 The rest of the horse regiments have been re-done in units of 12, they just to have the static grass added to the bases ...
To have a rest form messing about with bases I've done a first set out of an enlarged foot regiment ....
initial idea is 8 pike / 16 musket with three command stands: commanding officer & ensigns, two off drummer & officer with partisan.

Will be carrying on with the re-organisation over the next couple of months. Will try and fit units as they are finished into the campaign 'story line'.


Millsy said...

That's an impressive array of horse sir.

Springinsfeld said...

A fine array. they are looking really good.