Monday, 24 June 2024

Registered Cossacks (WIP)

All figures cast for two units and prep done. I bought a commander and standard bear from Irregular Miniatures... 

These will initially join the Polish army; later they will be the nucleus of a 'cossack rebellion' force 

Thursday, 20 June 2024

Two regiments of foot recruited ...

The recruiting seargent have been out - (i.e. me down the garage casting figures)... 

Enough figures for two regiments of foot, now prepped and ready for painting. I had to buy in a couple of drummers as the mould for the drummer is starting to get a bit squiffy.

Sourcing animals for 40mm...

 Tricky to find animals suitable for 40mm...some larger ones from 28mm usable..

  • Over the years I've added animals as I found them. Most of them are plastic toys and come from Car Boot sales, Toy & Train fairs and Charity shops.  I just picked up bags of oddments, took out the animals which were the right size, then donate the remainder to charity. 
  • Wolves - these are from Sash & Saber 40mm Napoleonic range ..  code 40RFMX1
  • The Hounds - these are model railway O gauge scale 1/43, which I picked up at a model railway exhibition along with a fox.
  • The White Stag is a Britains zoo animal - a deer ( a bit oversize, but OK).
  • The giant lizard and large snakes are from Otherworld Miniatures (codes WE4b & WE17a)
  • The big dragon is an old Ral Partha one, which I assembled and modified slightly. The small dragon is a Papo toy with the 'fire breath' removed.

Wednesday, 19 June 2024

40mm Animals - for skirmish/adventure games ...

I have plenty of domesticated animals for 40mm games: horses, chickens, geese and a pack of hounds

plus a herd of cows - handy for a raiding game .. missing some sheep though....
Wild animals - wolves, stag, bears and a fox...
If you go up into the Sackwald forest larger and more exotic animals may be found; large lizards and snakes...
if you go further up and further in you may encounter a dragon or two ....

All the above useful for games; wild and exotics useful for hunting and adventure games. More could be added, so best to work to a scenario and get them as needed ...

Saturday, 15 June 2024

Stocktaking - 'Musketeers' Skirmish Game Stuff

Oddment gentlemen, the four musketeers, cardinals guard and baddies...all nicely fitted into a small display cabinet..

But coaches and civilians are stored separately..

Having had a good look through, I could do with some..
  • musketeers in tabards..
  • some extra baddies for variety

Time to do some casting (and perhaps buy some figures too..)

Thursday, 13 June 2024

Pike and Shot - A check through and storage ...

Each army (Monrovia and Wittenberg) has 7 regiments of horse, 6 regiments of foot, 2 regiments of dragoons and 1 regiment of mounted Croats.  

I need a little more space to add two more foot regiments 😀, once for each side. So time to rearrange how some units are stored. The infantry boxes are full, so maybe some space in the cavalry boxes. Also there is the 'extras' box, which is the overflow box

One of the Monrovia cavalry regiments needs a lot of repair (these figures will go into the melty pot to make some cossacks), so I decided to swap it out with the Cuirassier regiment in the extras box.  Changing over the standard...   
Also in the extras box some alternative foot command stands, standards being removed these will be used to start the two new regiments of foot I want to build up.
As for the two other cavalry regiments from the extras box one will go to each army; the box now has space for the two new regiment of foot to go in - hoorah !
The Cavalry and dragoon boxes for each army, now nicely filled up...

For Witttenberg one of the cavalry regiments needed a new flag.. so I checked which of the Elector of Saxony ones I'd already used and then select one I hadn't used
I settled on one of the 'feudal' cavalry standards...

So now have to accumulate figures for the 2 new foot regiments, I can buy in or cast them - I'll probably do a mix of both.